Peltandra virginica (L.) Schott
Filed As
Peltandra virginica (L.) Schott -
NY Barcode: 3699460
Occurrence ID: c30386ad-d25f-4189-86c1-d38efa995dbf
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]; [Map associated with specimen]
3g US conifer forest (Larix laricina— Picea mariana, latter at its so.-mostr limit in Wis.) w/ many bog shrubs (Aronia, Ilex. Alnus, Ericaceae) & acid bog plants (orchids, sedges, Smilacina trifolia. Drosera rotundi- folia); Sphagnum capillifolium the ground cover dominant. Appears like a no. bog in a relatively^ so. loc. Avg. tree size l-5"dbh. SPRUCE LAKE BOG NATIONAL NATURAL LANEMARK, N of Airport Rd. & W of Vista Dr., 2 mi. NW of Dundee (T14N, R19E, Sec. 23 NW%). and B. A. Cochrane ADDITIONAL DATA FOR COCHKAJVE & UUtiilKANJE, g/zo; Locally common, occurring as small patches and isolated plants in shallow water, marshy E shore of lake. Appearing as if native but presumably a recent introduction. Only Wisconsin station. Plant bases very spongy, from deep-seated vertical rootstocks; fruit- ing spadices subglobose to ovoid or lance- ovoid, variable in size and shape, 6.0-12.2 cm long, 29-59 mm in diameter when fresh, the spathe gelatinous inside; berries at first green, becoming sufused with maroon-brown toward base, finally greenish-black, broadly obovoid, a larger one 15 mm long, 12 mm wide, 11 mm thick when fresh. ASSOCIATED SPECIES FOR COCHRANE & COCHRANE Carex pseudo-cyperus, Dulichium arundinaceum Zizania aquatica, s.l., Typha latifolia, Pontederia cordata, Aronia melanocarpa, T. S. Cochrane No. 8726 & Cornus alba ssp. stolonifera. No. 8726 03699460
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Peltandra virginica (L.) Schott