Cestrum parqui (Lam.) L'Hér.

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Solanaceae Cestrum parqui L’Her.
det. M. Nee, 2011
DEPTO. SANTA CRUZ, Prov. Florida, 6.7 km (by air) NNW
of Mataral, 6.7 km (by road) NNW of El Palo, on dirt road to
Vila Vila.
18°03’28”S, 64°14’22”W. alt. 1430 m.
Broad, flat valley, here cleared for pastures and crop fields,
with dry forest of Schinopsis on adjacent slopes. Hedgerows
with Schinopsis marginata, Prosopis alba, P. kuntzei, Acacia
aroma, Vassobia breviflora, Cestrum parqui, Vallesia
Shrub 3 m. tall, foetid. Corolla dark yellow, very slightly
orangish. Compare with no. 58765, a younger plant with much
more copious inflorescences.
Coll.: M. Nee 58758
23 Dec. 2011