Platypodium elegans Vogel

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Fabaceae Platypodium elegans Vogel
det. M. Nee, 2016
Depto. Santa Cruz, Prov. Guarayos, vie. Balneario
Itapemi, 3.75 km SSW of plaza central of Ascención de
15°55’22”S, 63°10’24”W. alt. 243 m.
Cerrado woodland, much disturbed and turned into cow
pastures, but almost all plants native in region. With
Curatella americana, Acrocomia aculeata, Attalea
Small native tree between cabins, 8 m. tall, 18 cm. in
diameter, with thick, coarsely furrowed bark. Fruit hanging,
yellow-green, the seed portion darker than the wing.
Coll.: M. Nee 58856	30 Dec. 2011