Justicia ovata (Walter) Lindau var. ovata

  • Filed As

    Justicia ovata (Walter) Lindau var. ovata

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3680974

    Occurrence ID: f0a20562-93a7-494e-b71b-cfe0979885f2

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suspect yòu an
se sampVo/*
Fred J. Seaver
Head Curator
ew vo^s
University of South Florida Herbarium
Justicia ovata (Walt.) Lindau va r* •VILta
date 1972	determined by Martha Meagher
.,r	ftWmoaA
Gloucester, «aa^achusetts
K1 ìMm	xxr w46
llHli ? ' ^
.Hr* ?r*4 -Jfe s«*irar
tkti fen Tart Bcteaie«! tarde»«
Vt« lout, let fiffe
Ini Xr«	ife fi	;/1;
Tear letter ef
. 8ept*s&feer Vkix&	m &*ra .«bere
X spend :«f awaeere» 1 «ft ftaaaiaf ie
» retar» te Jfrtaeatati aext week aad «hoa September 3.
If thereafter 1 aHe^ld like ie make
,aa appointment te aia fern at the
Betasical Garden.
0m	jRftn% smm&t identify
it.*	tr, «he» X ratur» te Princeton
1	W*tM*+9»* «aterial either
“** *m
Mr* Wittrockyn^rB^a
haa juet called my affidotlfejj
Princeton material la
met at Prince ton,
f labels on the
ife\«piild lUce^f© ìni<^'’«Kat '
MM* \
the only person who
Mt«$ aM **
the "W* stands for.
could tell usj I Bin
I understand you >ia3jbad the Garden in June when Mr.
Wittrockjwas on his (vacation* I am sorry that4.,J; failed ^o
contact yòk Mr*^n/ttrock la now working diligently on the
Princeton material*
Hoping you can come in again some time ^prhen we are on
flpBjg	T'
the Job, I. remain,
Vary ilnqtmly yours