Justicia ovata (Walter) Lindau var. ovata

  • Filed As

    Justicia ovata (Walter) Lindau var. ovata

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3680945

    Occurrence ID: d43a4cc2-618c-4c86-a60a-f4a8dd05d9bc

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University of South Florida Herbarium
Justicia ovata (Walt.) Lindau var# grata
date 1972	determined by Martha Meagher
Curtiss’ Second Distribution of Plants of the Southern
United States.
No. 6655.
Dianthera Immilis, Eng. &Gr.
Wooded banks of the Suwannee River at Branford, Fla.
A. H.«Curtiss.	June 9, 1900.