Sabatia grandiflora (A.Gray) Small

  • Filed As

    Sabatia grandiflora (A.Gray) Small

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3584192

    Occurrence ID: fe0a7b22-6411-4ef8-9b0e-93ab03122905

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Plants of
[ Florida
Sabatia grandlflora (A.
Sma11	Gray) <L^V
Hernando County, three fy9\
miles north of Weeki
Springs. Frequent on nnist
sandy peat bordering Hyperi-v^
cum pond. Flowers bright
pl-nk with yellow 'eve •	\Jj
6784 Robert & Mabel Krai
X3et. R. Krai
9 June 1958