Sabatia difformis (L.) Druce

Sabatia difformis (L.) Druce
Orange County: Wetland slash pine savanna, on E side of Turkey
Creek Bay, ca. 0.5 mi N of Disston Canal, ca. 2 air mi S of FL 528
(Bee Line Exp), ca. 0.6 air mi SW of Magnolia Ranch headquarters;
Magnolia Ranch, NWQ, NEQ, Sec. 8, T24S, R32E; Narcoossee NW
7.5' Quad.; 28°25'14"N, 81 °08'05"W. Elev. 62 ft. Soils - St.
Johns (Typic Haplaquods). Community dominated by Pinus elliottH /
Myrica cerifera - Persea palustris - Taxodium ascendens / Andropogon
glaucopsis - Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum - Panicum scabrisculum.
Steve L. Orzell and Edwin L. Bridges 14422	18 July 1990
The University of Texas Herbarium (TEX-LL)