Echeveria strictiflora A.Gray
Filed As
Echeveria strictiflora A.Gray -
NY Barcode: 3562874
Occurrence ID: 5b4910e5-c79c-4cb5-90b9-bdefd3f5da69
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Location Notes
[US & Canada]
June 9, 1926« Prof* 3« 0« Tbarp, Unireraity of Taxas, Auatin, Texas, My dear Profeasor Tharpt Mr. âtandley has juat turnad over to me some of yoar plants which ha haa asked me to identify for hlia. Among tfeeee I find your No* 3439, a apeóles of Sehererla, Only one apeóles of Eefeeveria bas •ver bean fonnd native in thè United sta tea and fchafc ìs 8* strictoflora, to whloh apeólas X sup- pose your plant must ba referred, It looks some* what différant from our other herbario» epe cime na and I aia wondering whether it would be possible for you to oolleot me abont cme-haif dosa» llving plants the mx t tlme y ou are in that part of Taxas, and also endeavor to get material from tha type looallty of Ëm striotoflora «hioh 1s in thè moun- talns west of tha pasa of Limpia* Juat non I am studylng tha genus Mimosa* X should H&e very muoh to see my speoiaens of Mimo- sa from Texas of whloh you hâve duplicates, but es- peolally M* texana, thè typa of ahioh oame from Austin, Texas» Tours very truly, 3m H* Boss, Associate Curâtor, Dirlaion of Plants» J' ¿dii Û? 4 03562874
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Echeveria strictiflora A.Gray