Dudleya cymosa (Lem.) Britton & Rose subsp. cymosa

  • Filed As

    Dudleya cymosa (Lem.) Britton & Rose subsp. cymosa

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3562487

    Occurrence ID: 669ae600-c239-4687-83d4-d44344eda0a1

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Flowering Plants of the Sierra Nevada
Canyon of the South Fork of the Tule River, Tulare County
DUDLEYA CYMOSA (Lem.) Britt. &. Rose
Main road, 8.4 miles above the lumber mill.
Petals orange, stems reddish. Occasional about
granite outcrops.
Elevation: 2750 feet, canyon live oak associa-
tion .
May 9, 1968.
Ernest C. Twisselmann
Number: 14145