Verbena bracteata Lag. & Rodr.

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Vert) ena bract eat a Lag« & Rodr*
Identified by H. N. Moldenke and cited
by him in his Monograph of the Genus
American Weeds and Useful Plants.
Distributed by L. H. Pammel.
No. 12. Large Bracted Vervane (Verbena bracteosa, Michx.) The Miss-
issippi Valley from Florida, Alabama, to Minnesota to British
Columbia and Arizona. Oommon in sandy prairies and waste
places. Perennial. Ball. Kansas State Agrl. Exp. Sta,, 57:25.
pi. ISf. 1S9. Watson and Ooolter, Gray’s Man. 402.
Ooll., H. S. Fawcett, Ames, Iowa, August 1904.
October, 1958