Erythronium umbilicatum C.R.Parks & Hardin

  • Filed As

    Erythronium umbilicatum C.R.Parks & Hardin

  • Collector(s)

    R. K. Godfrey 56230, 4 Mar 1958

  • Location

    United States of America. Florida. Gadsden Co. Bluff along Little River, between Quincy and Havanna.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3534345

    Occurrence ID: 8e5d5268-7b2f-4a71-b3bf-7c17a35fe298

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  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Gadsden Co.

  • Locality

    Bluff along Little River, between Quincy and Havanna

  • Location Notes

    [US & Canada]

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

* D
The New York Botanical Garden
u-wb’il'iculam Parks 4 fWdi h
'Ék/LUwum^ (¡¡Hifi), 3f) Nla/offy)
Plants of the Southeastern United States
mmm comm
Tepals yellow when young, with several to nusexw
08a longitudinal brcnmieh red spots on lower
half of inner surfaces; tepals within and with*
out becoming brownish red striated and »ore or
less suffused with brownish red as they age*
Outer tepals recurve so that their tips cross
each other and the peduncle* Flowers erect«
fruits lie m the groondj they are broadly
obcrcate, exarsonete.
Rich woods, bluff along Little River, between
Quincy and Havanna.
R. K. Godfrey 56230	h March 19£8
Distributed by the Gray Herbarium and the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University