Tibouchina mexicana (D.Don) Cogn.

  • Filed As

    Tibouchina mexicana (D.Don) Cogn.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3375114

    Occurrence ID: 239bae4f-2ad0-47cd-a9d5-c53f30b678d1

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botanical garden
0337 5114
The University of Texas Herbarium (LL, TEX)
Tibouchina mexicana (D. Don) Cogn.
det. C. Todzia, 2001
Mexico Plants
Collected 3 nil. S, of LaCulabra on
Hwy, «5, 54 mi, N, of Zimapan,
Meslc to sub-tropical rain fcrest.
Steep mountain slopes and winding road.
Co..- St. of Hidalgo
Coil.: Dunn, Harmon, & talker
} 7j*-3d	D*U:	El.;