Zizia aurea (L.) W.D.J.Koch

Zizia aurea (L.) Koch
Missouri, Barry Co. 8.0 mi S, 1.5 mi E Cassville. Mark Twain
National Forest. 1.75 mi S junction of Highways 112 and F, from
point 0.2 mi down old logging road off E side of Highway 112. T.
21N R. 27W section 03 SE 1/4. Elev 380-405 m.
Steep, dry, SW-facing dolomitic talus slope and limestone bluffs;
and mesic ravine below. Blackjack oak - post oak community with
prairie openings on bluffs; maple community in ravine.
Occasional on slope above creek.
14 July 1998
Caleb A. Morse 2671
The Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium (KANU)
University of Kansas, Lawrence KS USA