Jacquemontia pentanthos (Jacq.) G.Don

  • Filed As

    Jacquemontia pentanthos (Jacq.) G.Don

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3515146

    Occurrence ID: 82d1ca09-916b-47eb-a0cb-65d1ebe9ef60

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    Send comments on this specimen record

i Plants of Florida
¿agfflrèionfcla p^ntaat&a Uacq* )
0* Don	j
Mop r;e County.	qsv
Big Pine Key, on drive to /
Vista Linda Motel* flat pine- \
land with broad leaf trees &
shrubs* Treraa, Hetopium, Lantana
among others* Vines in tangles
over Sida shrubs.
0# I*kela 27876	12 Nov. 1964
Duplicate determine by L.H, Shinners
Seal Copyright State of Florida