Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Kuntze

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Fabaceae Tipucma tipu (Benth.) Kuntze
det. M. Nee, 2009
DEPTO. SANTA Cruz, Prov. Vallegrande, 9.5 km (by road)
and 3.9 km (by air) E of the airstrip at Vallegrande, on little-
used dirt road toward Postrervalle, beginning the descent
into the Rio San Bias valley to the east.
18°28’28”S, 64°02’22”W. alt. 2160 m.
Dry slopes with brushy vegetation and a few trees, Lithrea
ternifolia, Dodonaea viscosa, Tipucma tipu.
Tree. Petals yellow.
Coll.: M. Nee & I. Linneo 56881
16 Nov. 2009