Myriopteris x parishii (Davenp.) Grusz & Windham
Filed As
Myriopteris x parishii (Davenp.) Grusz & Windham -
Parish s.n., s.d.
United States of America. California. San Diego Co.
NY Barcode: 3494595
Occurrence ID: e4ae9fd4-cf0b-45ef-bf6e-5a33b42ccc0f
All Determinations
North America
United States of America
San Diego Co.
33.0282, -116.77
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
GEOLocate Web Application. Used GEOLocate Web Application (batch client) to georeference locality with high precision.
Geodetic Datum
BulLTorr-BotClub pi.m § 57. A New American Fern. By Geo. E. Davenport. (Plate viii.) Cheilanthes Parishii, n. sp.-—Rootstock creeping, short, clothed with deep-brown linear-lanceolate scales, with darker, nearly black mid-nerves; fronds stalked, 5' to 7' tall; stipes approximate, 2' to 3' 1., varying from light to dark-brown, clothed at the base with scales similar to those on the rootstock, passing gradually into broader pale- brown, or nearly white nerveless scales, above with more Or less de- ; ciduous, slender pale scales and chaff ; laminae 3' to V 1., i' to i£' b., oblong-lanceolate, 3-4-pinnate, both surfaces scantily clothed with a coarse, entangled, woolly pubescence composed of long, jointed, color-. less hairs ; rachises beneath covéred with narrow, jagged or toothed ! pale-brown, or nearly colorless reticulated scales, intermixed with hairs; pinnae alternate, unequally ovate, or oblong-ovate, obtuse, lowermost somewhat distant; pinnules oblong-ovate, obtuse, pin- nately divided into deeply pinnatifid, or, in the lowermost pinnae, pinnate divisions ; segments roundish, ultimate segments largest and 3-lobed; involucres very narrow, only partially enclosing thè sori; and formed of the slightly recurved, unchanged herbaceous margins of the segments ; sori scanty (in the specijnens), consisting of a few light-colored sporangia at the ends of the forked veins. Habitat.—Crevices of rocks, desert hill, San Diego County, east of San Bernardino, California, with Notholaena Parryi. Discovered by Mr. W. F. Parish, of the well-known firm of Parish Bros., Sari Bernardino, March, 1881. Nothing definite is known of its abundance, but Mr. S. B. Parish, who sends it, writes me that it is probably scarce, as his brother, who dicovered it, could find only a few plants (about three) in the neigh- borhood, after a careful search. From the Myriophylla-Fendleri group it may be readily distin- guished by the character of the distinct woolly tomentum ; and, more- over, the slenderer scales on the under surface are not imbricated as in the group, and are wholly confined to the rachises. It very much resembles C. lanuginosa in the grayish woolly appearance of the face, the shape Of the segments, and the narrow involucres; but differs from that species in the character of the rootstock and the scaly rachises beneath. My thanks are due to Mr. Faxon for the pains he has taken with the drawing, and more especially for the microscopical analysis, which I was unable to make myself on account of the present condition of my eyes. Explanation of the Plate.—Fig. 1. Plant, natural size. Fig. 2. Lower pinna. Fig. 3. Enlarged pinnule-r-ordinary form. Fig. 4. , Magnified segment, showing veins and sori. Fig. 5. Sporangium. Fig, 6. Spore. Fig. 7. a, scale from rootstock ¡È scale from lower part of stipe i m. scalé frèmi rachis. Fig, 8. Magnified tomentum, showing jointed hairs. Medford, Mass., May, 1881. #•; it( SiLu Cp0 CajL*^ THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN HERBARIUM OF LUCIEN M. UNDERWOOD PURCHASED 1903 03494595
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Myriopteris x parishii (Davenp.) Grusz & Windham