Miconia triplinervis Ruiz & Pav.

  • Filed As

    Miconia triplinervis Ruiz & Pav.

  • Collector(s)

    E. Cotton 1866 with Mats Gustafsson, James L. Luteyn, Isidoro Sa2nchez-Vega & Mario Zapata, 6 Jul 2002

  • Location

    Peru. San Martín. Rioja Prov. Road Pedro Ruiz Gallo-Florida de Pomacocha-Rioja, ca. 80 km after Florida de Pomacocha, ca. 50 Km after village of Shucayacu (which is at 342 km marker). Bridge over river Serranoyacu, where it crosses with carretera marginal, km 405-406 road marker.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3460850

    Occurrence ID: 4cb36a75-11ad-4937-8f8b-043226841d77

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province

    San Martín

  • County/Municipio

    Rioja Prov.

  • Locality

    Road Pedro Ruiz Gallo-Florida de Pomacocha-Rioja, ca. 80 km after Florida de Pomacocha, ca. 50 Km after village of Shucayacu (which is at 342 km marker). Bridge over river Serranoyacu, where it crosses with carretera marginal, km 405-406 road marker.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1200 - 1300 m. (3937 - 4265 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -5.68, -77.7772

  • Distribution

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Elvira Cotton
with Mats Gustafsson, James L. Luteyn, Isidoro Sanchez-Vega & Mario Zapata
1866	Melastomataceae
Miconia triplinervis Ruiz & Pav.
det. E. Cotton 9 / 2002
Department: SAN MARTIN
Prov. Rioja. Road Pedro Ruiz Gallo-Florida de Pomacocha-Rioja, ca. 80 km after
Florida de Pomacocha, ca. 50 Km after village of Shucayacu (which is at 342 Km
marker). Bridge over river Serranoyacu, where it crosses with carretera marginal,
Km 405-406 road marker. Montane forest on roadside. [GPS: 5°4048"S 77°46'38
(77° 40’ W 05° 40' S) Alt. 1200-1300 m.	Jul 6, 2002
Shrub, 2 m tall, in forest understory. Fruits bright orange-red.
Department of Systematic Botany, University of Aarhus, Denmark (AAU)