Amaranthus palmeri S.Watson

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The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of U.S.A.
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson
det. M. Nee, 2010
ILLINOIS, Clinton Co., 2 km N of center of Carlyle, along
William Road and E of Hwy. 127.
38°37’39”N, 89°22’17”W. alt. 142 m.
In field of Glycine max. This Amaranthus is seen commonly
in the area, scattered plants in many but not all of the
soybean fields; these Amaranthus palmeri are the only
plants taller than the soybeans, although other weeds are
seen among the soybean foliage or shorter, such as
Digitaria sanguinalis, Eleusine indica. These may be the
Roundup Ready resistant strains becoming a problem in the
last few years. The staminate plants are a lighter green than
the pistillate plants.
Pistillate. Erect herbs, taller than the soybeans.
Coll.: M. Nee 57206
30 Aug. 2010