Phlox pulvinata (Wherry) Cronquist

  • Filed As

    Phlox pulvinata (Wherry) Cronquist

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3354733

    Occurrence ID: 5b9a73f7-2f06-41bb-97a5-35e9038bda26

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Phlox pulvinata (Wherry) Cronq.
Wallowa Co: Wallowa Mountains, east flank of
Redmont Peak, ca 1 mile N of Wing Ridge, and 10
miles SE of Joseph; elev. 8300 ft.; gentle to
moderately steep ridge area; easterly aspect;
rocky-gravelly soil from basalt; herbaceous
subalpine opening with nearby Pinus albicaulis and
Abies lasiocarpa; assoc, with Poa secunda,
Arenaria congesta, Lomatium greenmanii, Trifolium
multipedunculatum; petals white; common.
UTM 11T NAD 83 = 490065E 5007443N
Michael Mancuso 3614 July 14, 2010