Begonia itaguassuensis Brade
Filed As
Begonia itaguassuensis Brade -
A. M. Amorim 1690 with A. M. Carvalho, S. C. Sant'Ana, 14 Aug 1995
Brazil. Bahia. Una Mun. Estrada Sao José. Una, km 8. Ramal a direita a partir de Sao José.
Mata Higrófila Sul Baiana. No interior da mata. Solo humuso.
Erva comum. Epífita e/ou terrestre, ca. 40 cm alt. Folhas discolores, crassas, a face superior verde escuro e a inferior verde-pálido, pecíolo vinoso. Flores alvacentas, estames amarelos. Phenology of specimen: Fertile.
NY Barcode: 453993
Occurrence ID: ce6852cc-7113-4781-8add-2f5e73c3695e
All Determinations
Begonia itaguassuensis Brade det S. F. Smith, Feb 1996
South America
Una Mun.
Estrada Sao José. Una, km 8. Ramal a direita a partir de Sao José
-15.126, -39.2941
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Georeferenced to the approximate midpoint of the unnamed side-road described in the locality which branches from the Sáo José da Vitória-Una road (BA 669) to the right at approximatly 8 km along the road from Sáo José da Vitória towards Una, in Mun. Buerarema, Bahia. Using Google Maps-Sattelite View located the road linking the town of Sáo José da Vitória to the town of Una (BA 669). Then, using distance measurement tool, located the side-road which branches off from BA 669 at approximatly 8 km road distance from the point along BA 669 closest to the approximate geographic center of the town of Sáo José da Vitória in the direction of the town of Una. Begining at the intersection of BA 669 and the unnamed side-road (-15.1011703 -39.2774963), used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to measure a straight line to the farthest extent of the unnamed side-road (-15.1588222 -39.3021217), then divided that distance by two to find the position of the approximate geographic midpoint. Using Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs found coordinates (final) for the point along the unnamed side-road closest to the approximate geographic midpoint of the unnamed side-road. Used the straight line distance from these final coordiantes near the midpoint of the road to the further of the two enpoints of the road as the linear extent. Input coordinates, linear extent (3.47468 m), and measurement error (0.0005 m) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius (according to the Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Named Place: river, stream, road, path).
Geodetic Datum
Q.'ò'b SA The New York Botanical Garden NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 00453993 BOTANICAL ^Bc^onìa. iVcx^uassuensís BìaA^_ JlaÌ". *5. P*, "IT f HERBÁRIO CENTRO DE PESQUISAS DO CACAU - CEPEC PLANTAS DA BAHIA BEGON IACEAE - BRASO. - Begon i a Municipio de Una. Estrada Sio José. Una, Km 8. Ramai a di re ita a partir de Sao José. MATA Hl- GRÓFILA SUL BAI ANA. Erva comum no solo humuso no interior da mata. Epífita e/ou terrestre, ca. 40 cm alt. Folhas discolores, crassas, a face superior verde es- curo e a inferior verde-pálido, pecíolo vinoso. Flores alvacentas, estâmes amarelos. And ré M. Amo r i m, A. M. Ca rva 1 ho, S. C. San t1 Ana. NQ: 1690. 14.08.1995. 00453993
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Begonia itaguassuensis Brade