Crocicreas cyathoideum (Bull.) S.E.Carp. var. cyathoideum

  • Filed As

    Crocicreas cyathoideum (Bull.) S.E.Carp. var. cyathoideum

  • Collector(s)

    C. T. Rogerson s.n., 27 May 1993

  • Location

    United States of America. Utah. Weber Co. along Cutler Creek, east side of Wasatch Mountains, northwest of Liberty.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03418403

    Occurrence ID: 11ba6fcb-aebe-4db1-ab75-4e3d8d16b3b6

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Weber Co.

  • Locality

    along Cutler Creek, east side of Wasatch Mountains, northwest of Liberty

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botanical Garden	new york botanical garden
C r o	c i	c	r e a s	c	y	a	t	h	o	i	d	e	u	m	(	Bu	1	1	i	a	r	d
								S	.		E	.		Ca	r	pe	n	t	e	r		
V	a r		cy a t	h o	i	d	e	u	m													
o n	d	e	a d ,	o V	e	r	w	i	n	t	e	r	e	d	s	t e	m	s		o	f	
		H	er ac	le	u	m			1	a	n	a	t	um		Mi	c	h	a	u	X	
WEB	ER		COUNTY				a	1	o	n	CT O		C	u t	1	e r		C	r	e	e	k
e a s	t	s	id e	o f		W	a	s	a	t	c	h		Mo	u	nt	a	i	n	s	,	
nor	th	w	e s t	o f		L	i	b	e	r	t	y										
May 27, 1993