Phacelia hastata var. alpina (Rydb.) Cronquist

  • Filed As

    Phacelia hastata var. alpina (Rydb.) Cronquist

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3244284

    Occurrence ID: 0774ce9d-5589-4341-935f-3e7de3c3b80e

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1177 PHACELIA HASTATA Doug, ex Lehm. var.
Coll: R. Soreng, R. Spellenberg
6 August 1980
MONTANA, Deer Lodge Co., Anaconda-Pintlar
Wilderness Area ca. 15 air mi. SW of
Anaconda, vicinity of Mt. Tiny. On SW
slope on limestone banks along trail.
Elev. ca. 9100 ft.
Corolla dull blue-lavender; stems antho-
cyanic, decumbent-ascending.
Distribution: NY