Rhynchospora tenuis Willd. ex Link

  • Filed As

    Rhynchospora tenuis Willd. ex Link

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 03109044

    Occurrence ID: cce7e1d4-628d-4d0c-961b-fcfcc805417f

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Universidade Federai do Rio Grande do Sul (ICN)
Rhynchospora tenuis Willd. ex Link	7JÇ
Det. P. J. S. Silva Filho 2017	^
The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BOLIVIA
Depto. Santa Cruz, Prov. Andrés Ibànez, on road
from Santa Cruz to Camiri, 1 km. N of Pedro
Lorenzo. Sandy roadside and grazed brushy
savannas on sand, with Acrocomia totai, a few
Cu rateila americana, Allagoptera leucocalvx.
17°57’S, 63° 15’W. alt. 500 m.
Coll.: M. Nee 43105
17 Dec. 1992