Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa (Mill.) Thell.
Filed As
Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa (Mill.) Thell. -
NY Barcode: 3200570
Occurrence ID: affda3e0-dfde-47c8-93ce-eda862f6af0f
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
CableAddress: MARCONI WIRELESS; “THORBURN, NEW VORM*i CODESUSED : WESTERN UNION A.B-.C.47V ED. AMERICAN SEED TRADE. ALL OFFERS MADE fUSJECTTQ BEING UNSOLD. ALL BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS TO BE ADORESSEO TO THE COMPANY F. W.BRUGGEMQF, PREST. PHONES EE.BRUGGERWF, V.PBES.fcTREAS. JUI.WILS0N.4cY 33 BARCLAY ST. through to 3»park place October 30th* MESSRS J. M. THOR BURN A CO- GIVE NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO DESCRIPTION. QUALITY, PRODUCTIVENESS, OR ANY OTHER MATTER OF ANY SEEDS, BULBS OR PLANTS THEY SEND OUT. AND WILL NOT BE IN ANY WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CROP. IF THE PURCHASER DOES NOT ACCEPTTHE OOODS ON THESE TERMS THEY ARE AT ONCE TO BE RETURNED. Ur« Geo. V* Nash# New York Botanical Garden« Bronx Park, New York* Dear Sir* Ve are just in receipt of your favor of 29th inst., and thafcfc you very miioh for identifying the specimen plant sent us a day or two ago* This le Roquette of the Frenoh, who use it largely for flavoring salad«* We always have a little of the seed in stock and should be pleased to send you a paoket for testing if you wish. We take this opportunity of saying to you that we shall be very glad Indeed to send you at any time samples of anything we list in our catalogué for testing and shall be pleased if you can avail yourself of this offer at any time. The specimen plant sent you came from one of our customers in Pennsylvania and we believe his Alfalfa field is near Pittsburgh* Tours truly1 03200570
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Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa (Mill.) Thell.