Isolepis setacea (L.) R.Br.

Plants of China
isolepis setacea (Liimaeus) R. Brown
Det. Pedro Jimenez, December 2014
Xizang(Tibet) Province, Changdu (Chamdo) Xian; Road (highway 317)
from Changdu (Chamdo) to Jiangda (Gyamda), along Zha Qu (Zha River),
a tributary of the Lancang Jiang (Mekong River), N of the town of Toba
near village of Suijiewa. 31Q24<21l,N, 97°28T9"E; 3700-3900 m. Picea
forests on slopes with Spiraea, Cotoneaster, Potentilla glabra and Ribes;
wet meadow-like areas, periodically flooded depressions and Hippophae
communities along river. Wet, muddy depressions near river. Abundant,
growing with Juncus 41317. Scales of inflorescences brown with green
central vein. [Synonym - Scirpus setaceus Linnaeus]. DN A material
D. E, Boufford, B. Bartholomew, D. A. Eaton,'X. H. Li, R. H. Ree,
B. Xu, J. P. Yue, J. W. Zhang & X, X, Zhu
41316	.
Harvard University Herbaria