Cryptantha intermedia var. grandiflora (Rydb.) Cronquist

  • Filed As

    Cryptantha intermedia var. grandiflora (Rydb.) Cronquist

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3223011

    Occurrence ID: b61835c2-67ac-47d5-bb5c-7abba3a8b139

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Herbarium of The State Collbgb of Washington, Pullman
Cryptantha hendersoni (A. Nels.) Piper
WHEELER GO.i Open slopes along tributary
to Service Creek, about 13 miles south-
east of Fossil, Twp. 8 S., R. 22 E., S. 3.
Flowers white. 3*000 feet.
Arthur Cronquist 66I4.8
June 22, 19^0