Cryptantha echinella Greene

"L9 2- / ^
Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of Los Angeles County, California, USA
Cryptantha echinella Greene	BOR
Det. by A.C. Sanders, 2009.
San Gabriel Mtns.: Table Mountain West, north of Big Pines
(Mescal Creek 7.5’ Q.: 34°22,57"N, lir41WW, ±1000m; T3N
R8W S2). Alt.: 2284-2291m/7490-7516ft. Ridge top; coniferous
forest with Pinus jeffreyi, Eriogonum wrightii, E. umbellatum,
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius, etc.
Uncommon annual; fls. cream.
R.G. Swinney 9526	08	Oct	2008
Entered into UCR Database (62598UCR1 )