Baudouinia louvelii R.Vig.

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of Madagascar
Baudouinia louvelii
Madagascar, Toamasina Province, Brickaville District.
Hotel Pangalan on Lake Ampitabe, west of
18°35'S, 49°14'E
Medium tree. Growing in littoral forest. Petals 5,
yellowish-green with red spot at base, rapidly dehiscent.
Sepals 5, greenish-yellow with much lighter red spot at
base, persistent. 2 long stipules persistent. Silica sample
deposited in NYBG Cullman Lab tissue collection.
9 January 2003
Small specimen portion removed for phylogenomic analysis:	S. K. Pell, J. D. Mitchell, A. Randrianasolo 619
Phylogenomic discovery and engineering of nitrogen fixation into the
bioenergy woody crop poplar (DOE).
R. Folk et al. (FLAS)	Qct. 2017