Brachystegia eurycoma Harms

Determined by.._____________________
likb. t<m4
f	.	Prom the
Imperial Forestry Institute
Flora of Nigeria. Wo.	81988
Braohystegia eflrycoma Harms
Det« by **c. Hoyle, 05FTT948.
Province: Oyo. "ist: Ibadan«
Locs XJaiye Forest, ^numeration Line
5 ml* 40 eh* East of the line of Hills*
High Forest*
Descriptions Big tree about 120 ft*
high and 10-11 ft* girth with a wide
spreading crown* Sole rough with large
woody flakes* Slash red, fibrous, hard
with ripple marks* fhfl* axis grey-
yellow * Sepals pale green yellow*
Petals pellucid white* ilaments pale
yellow, anthers cream* Pistil pale
green yellow, ovary with dense setose
purple hairs* 'lowers and leaves
from ground.
Coll# *0nochie, 21*4*47*