Eperua leucantha Benth.

Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientifìcas,
Caracas, Venezuela &
Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, USA
Legumi nosae
Eperua leucantha Benth.
[n.v.: yaguàcana bianco (GG & PM) ]
VENEZUELA, Territorio Federal Amazonas.
San Carlos de Rio Negro, ca. 20 km S of confluence of Rio Negro
and Brazo Casiquiare; lat. 1°56'N, long. 67°03'W; altitude 119 m;
(average rainfall 3400-3600 mm/year).
Caatinga forest near Mari's bana, 10.8 km NE of San
Carlos on Solano road. Tree, 8 m high, 15 cm DBH.
Most leaves with 4 or 6 lflts., some 5. Inflorescence
pendant, to 1.7 m long. Corolla white.
Howard L. Clark 7023	27 February 1979
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National Herbarium of the Netherlands. Utrecht
Eperua leucantha Bentham
Det.: D.M.A. Rozendaal, Utrecht 2004