Bourreria ovata Miers
Filed As
Bourreria ovata Miers -
NY Barcode: 3212847
Occurrence ID: 8a02564f-17f4-455a-8dda-30d0c2be534b
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
DAN. J. MAHONEY. Oeneral Manager ^ A. REEDER, HAL LBTSHON- ftee President Editor ' -Entered at Postoffice, Miami. Florida. Dnd-Clasi as Second-Claee Matter ^TDbllsbed every day in Xbe News Tower,.^corner '^Stacayne Blvd. and, Blzth St., by thé Metrbuolie jPuWlshlng Co. Telenhone 4*1101. Miami Dally Nswk « dedicated to the best ta of Miami and Florida. It la honest In its lona and la tioneet with the nubile, becaiiae It 10 entangling alliance«. Daily News seek« at all time« to be accurate >ry published statement of fact Readers who er any important inaccuracy of statement wttt a favor by calling attention of the Editorial ent to the error. ______________________ . SjDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1934. J ri A îî v Ntrwa offlncxw* —'.I BABE TREES IN MIAMI , | ths Editor of the Miami Daily News: ' | your edition of Peltr. 21 there Is an*?' «'telling of the cenâus of plaht life ‘ taken in Matheson Hammock paTk. j ?Stated that A. H. Gilbert*.,.who is | _ the census, has fodhd a gtoup*of ] dtre trees, Bçurreria ovata, of tbie g back” family, never before found the mainland. > There are several of these^treea in Simpson park* and probably others in Brickell hammock, of *which Simpson park was a part until a few years ago, When the city bought it for a park. These .trees have not been Introduced into £ Simpson park, but are a part of the orig- inal forest. {' In my own garden I have seedlings ipktnts of Bourreria ovata grown from seed from Simpson park. ; Sargent in his Manual Of The Trees Of North America, gives the distribution of this tree as, “Florida, Coconut Grove (Miss Rodham), and on the southern keys? common; on the Bahama islands and many of the Antilles.” |t~ may be interesting to note that Olivia Rodham^. referred to by Sar- gent, spent many winters in Coconut Grove 25 or more years ago. She was tructor in botany at Swarthmore and it was she who discovered Misantica triahdra in Brickell woods* at that time the only tree of this species in the United States. , This choice tree, a member of the lau- rel family, was lost when the James Bearing estate was developed and a roadway cut as an extension of S. Miami The -tree was afterward found in center paffkway of thê new street is there today. CONSTANCE EVANS SWANSON, /- . 2645 South Bayshore drive. Miami, Fla., Feb. 23, 19S4. 03212847
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Bourreria ovata Miers