Amsinckia lunaris J.F.Macbr.

Ray, Peter M. and H. F. Chisaki, Studies in the Genus Amsinckia.
II. Relationships Among the Primitive Species. III. Aneuploid Diversification
in the Muricatae. Am. Jour. Bot. 44(6): 537-544; 545-554. 1957.
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Herbarium of the University of California nmh
Plants of California
Amsinckia lunaris Macbr.
Annual with central stem; leaves grayish, arrow-shaped by up-
folding of leaf margins, the base appearing to be hastate; corollas
yellow, as>mmetric with two groups of red markings, 10-12 mm.
broad. Three types plants: (1) style short, stamens near mouth;
(2) style short, 2 stamens equalling style, 3 at mouth; (3) style
long, stamens near base. Common in grassy open clay roadbanks.
Bear Creek Road, 1.5 miles east of Orinda-Richmond road (leav-
ing this road ca. 1 mile north of Orinda),
Contra Costa County.
Francia Chisaki
Peter Kamb 2275	4	May	1952