Amsinckia eastwoodiae J.F.Macbr.

  • Filed As

    Amsinckia eastwoodiae J.F.Macbr.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3211662

    Occurrence ID: 01cb1506-2516-4d84-a9a9-5ff320d6d03f

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    Send comments on this specimen record

.	Fresno Co., West Side, California Hoover
tosinckia verrucosa H.and A. var. furcata (tuk«d I
Elevat. 700'. Ciatom ridge at mouth of side canyon extort
ing to s.e. from Panoche Canyon § m. from its mouth frt
point where Hiway 180 swings out around a knob extending
from s. wall). datomaceous earth (thick vertical stratf)
being mined from snout of ridge on e. side - considerable
disturbance up to couple months ago. Only woody plart
Atnplex polycarpa in crk. bottom. This AmsinckL in m
this smaller form (921a) in gypsum shale 20'awav Sjf8868
drainage, larger fom (see 921b) in Hiatomaceouf earth in
drainage - soil or moisture responsible? Annfh	.	m	a
disturbed area (looks liJke introduction) is l?eCf®S ^
bufe,,^^«5^^921.	°nJ	18 925 * Pitiful
57858 2-52 1M SPO	92J+&	^	3/30/32