Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala
Filed As
Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala -
NY Barcode: 3211449
Occurrence ID: 0c860ba0-4967-4ac9-a556-7fc67f9c3fd0
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
tr *• pmi, coue peak, 7-21 *3* UK c*tt > 3W3 /7'2f~?3 Ah 2- Ov+v*. n-t-M z*\ <e>N vo^> BOTANICAL ^A RDEt* NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN PLANTS OF OREGON The Cascade Mountains, Linn County nzoffia thompsonii Marttala !VM PARATYPE \ mi SSW of Cone Peak summit, ca. 300' E of where trail abruptly turns ± N ridge between Cone Peak and Eon Mt., T13S R6E Sec. 30 SE 1/4 SW 1/16 site ± equidistant from Iron Mt. and South Peak; elev. ca. 4925'; one fairly opulation, abundant on seasonally wet [damp 7-29-83, but dry 8-9-83], rocky, gently + S moss-forb patch of meadow, in slightly concave depression, slope < 10°; one of dominant iere, seen only in this oval, about 40x25' patch, which is nearly bisected by ± E-W travel- ,il; site oriented NW to SE; distribution correlated with moss Bryum miniatum (per Dave r) and perhaps underlying rock or added habitat water retained by the substrate. Plants tive, mostly 1-2" tall, singly or in clumps, these often dense. Leaves ± succulent; corollas with a gold band in tube/throat (top of gold band ~ top of calyx) and 5 gold spots in upper iltemating with and overlapping the lobe bases-seen in PHOTOS. dates seen 7-29-83 with 3443: grasses, mosses, esp. Bryum miniatum (3453), Delphinium sii var. pyramidale (3444), Mimulus guttatus var. depauperatus, M. breweri (3449), Gilia capitata, Sedum divergens, S. stenopetalum, Castilleja parviflora var. oreopola (3445), Lewisia triphylla, Orthocarpus imbricatus (3446), Collinsia grandiflora (3447), Linanthus harknessii (3448), Microsteris gracilis var. humilior (3450), Eriophyllum lanatum var. lanatum, Saxifraga cf. marshallii, S. cf. integrifolia, Polygonum minimum (3451), P. kelloggii (3452), Orobanche uniflora var. purpurea, Selaginella densa (3457), Cerastium arvense, Lithophragma sp. Added associates seen 8-9-83: Eriogonum compositum v. compositum (3455), Zygadenus venenosus, Epilobium minutum (3456), Calochortus cf. subalpinus, Perideridia sp., Potentilla cf. glandu- losa\ from 3443b PHOTO on 6-17-91: Allium cf. crenulatum. Includes material in packets from VMs garden from 8-8-83 to 11-15-84. 03211449
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Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala