Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala

  • Filed As

    Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3211441

    Occurrence ID: 622e3049-1415-4bc7-aa3d-56700c5e020e

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Roadside bank along F.S. Rd. 4685 ca. 1.6 mi SE of junc. with Rd. 46; T9S R7E Sec. 27 NE 1/4
NE 1/16: extreme SW; site is ca. 1/3 mi NW of Roaring Ck. and extends along about 25' of cliff
(length and height); elev. ca. 2650-2675'; open, ± SW facing rock outcrop on upper side of road;
flat to vertical areas, slope 0—90°; in moss. Fruiting. Here and there; most "clumps" are small
and not dense, so probably a relatively small population. PHOTOS.
Associates: moss, Montia parvifolia, Sedum oreganum, Collinsia parviflora, Gilia capitata,
Plectritis congesta, Acer macrophyllum, Saxifraga occidentalis, Delphinium menziesii? (fruit),
Cryptogramma crispa var. achrostichoides, Cystopteris fragilis, Mimulus guttatus, Eriophyllum
lanatum, Cryptanthe intermedia var. grandifloral, Epilobium sp. Potentilla glandulosa nearby.