Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala

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    Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3211440

    Occurrence ID: 8a993d2d-07d8-41c7-96ba-6167c0cbe96e

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Along Hwy 126 ca. 0.5 mi S of milepost 15, ca. 2.4 mi S of Linn/Lane Co. border, ca. 2.9 mi N
of Belknap Springs, T15S R6E Sec. 26 SW 1/4 SE 1/16 E 1/32: ~ center; site extends along ca.
50' of cliff and is ca. 200' N of small waterfall, culvert and Geological Survey Marker; elev. ca
1800'; open, W facing rocky cliff and in the red cinder, rocky soil in adjacent roadside ditch,
seasonally wet with seepage and small waterfalls; flat areas, vertical slopes & cliff underhangs,
slope 0-ca.l50+°; limited to areas of heavy moisture, the young plants often growing with "their
feet" in water and wet, algae-covered rock and moss, the distribution apparently inverse to that
of Crocidium multicaule, which although common on this cliff system is much commoner in the
vemally less wet areas. Plants singly or in ± loosely aggregated colonies; PHOTOS of 3460c &
garden 3460a show 5 weak (more yellow than gold) spots in upper throat alternating with and
overlapping the lobe bases. Another population (3441) occurs ca. 0.1 mi N of here and in good
years there is a smaller one between them. PHOTOS.
Associates seen 4-16-84 with 3460 (or in photos): grasses, mosses, algae, liverworts, Montia
parvifolia, M. fontana, Romanzoffia califomica (3442), Saxífraga cf. marshallii, Crocidium
multicaule, Mimulus guttatus, M. alsinoides, Gilia capitata, Polypodium glycyrrhiza, Lomatium
martindalei, Achillea millefolium, Rubus ursinus, Cerastium cf. vulgatum, Valeriana sp. (veg.),
Plectritis sp.,Brodiaea sp. Additional associates seen: 6-16-91 with 3460c: Galium sp. (imm
G. aparine?), Saxífraga cf. integrifolia, Trifolium oliganthum (cf. 4464), Collinsia grandiflora
(4260% 5-29-93 with 3460d: cf. Cryptanthe intermedia v. grandiflora (4463), Marah oreganus,
Rubus leucodermis, Phacelia heterophylla, Lotus purshiana, Linanthus bicolor. Following seen
nearbv. possibly not associated: 5-28-84 with 3460a: Adiantum pedatus, Delphinium menziesir,
6-16-91 with 3460c: Polystichum munitum, Potentilla glandulosa, Rubus parviflorus, Sedum
spathulifolium, Acer macrophyllum; 5-29-93 with 3460d: Collomia heterophylla; also nearby
5-29-93 (removed from 4463 & 4464\ see above): Cardamine oligosperma, Polygonum sp.,
Cerastium viscosum, Stellaria umbellata.
Earlier collection (3460a) is PARATYPE.