Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala
Filed As
Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala -
NY Barcode: 3211439
Occurrence ID: 96f75c11-39ae-46b0-aad6-6b7de4f23d94
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
Along Hwy 126 ca. 0.4 mi S of milepost 15, ca. 2.3 mi S of Linn/Lane Co. border, ca. 3 mi N of Belknap Springs, T15S R6E Sec. 26 SW 1/4 SE 1/16 NE 1/64: ~ center; site extends along ca. 30' of cliff and is near N end of ca. Vi mi long cliff system; elev. ca 1800'; open, W facing rock outcrop and even in the red cinder, rocky soil in adjacent roadside ditch, seasonally heavy seep- age and dripping water; flat areas to vertical slopes and cliff underhangs, slope 0-ca.l00°; limit- ed to areas of heavy moisture, the young plants often growing with "their feet" in water, abun- dance here inverse to that of Crocidium multicaule: C. multicaule sparser here except in less wet areas where R. thompsonii (on 4-16-84) is close to blooming. Plants small, singly or in ± loosely aggregated colonies. PHOTOS. Another population (3460) occurs ca. 0.1 mi S of here and in good years there is a smaller one between them. Associates seen 7-29-83 with 3441: grasses, mosses, Romanzoffia califomica (3442), Gilia capitata, Montia parvifolia, Pityrogramma triangularis, Fragaria vesca var. crinata, Lotus purshiana, Penstemon sp. Additional associates seen: 4-16-84 with 3441a: Mimulus guttatus, Saxifraga cf. marshallii, Cystopteris fragilis, Heuchera micrantha, Crocidium multicaule', 6-16-91 with 3441d: Plectritis congesta, Collinsia parviflora (4261), Polygonum sp:, 5-29-93 with 344le: Microsteris gracilis, cf. Cryptanthe intermedia var. grandiffora (4463), Cystopteris fragilis, Linanthus bicolor, Montia fontana, Potentilla glandulosa; Adiantum pedatum very close-possibly not associated; also nearby 5-29-93 (removed from 4463 & 4464): Cardamine oligosperma, Cerastium viscosum, Stellaria umbellata. Later collection (3441b) is a PARATYPE. Vernon Marttala 3441 July 29, 1983 03211439
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Romanzoffia thompsonii Marttala