Phacelia cicutaria Greene

Plants of Orange County, California, USA
Phacelia cicutaria Greene
var. hispida (Gray) J. T. Howell
Southern Santa Ana Mountains, San Mateo Canyon Wilderness
Area. Western edge of the wilderness in Lucas Canyon along a
new section of trail heading up major side canyon northward to
Sitton Peak Road (7S09), T7S R6W NE1/4 SE1/4 sec. 9, Wl/2
NW1/4 sec. 10, SW comer sec. 3. Elev. 1000' - 1500'. Slopes
with mixed chaparral of Adenostomafasciculatum, Ceanothus
crassifolius, C. spinosus, Mcdosma laurina, Quercus dumosa, and
Heteromeles arbutifolia, with scattered patches of coastal sage scrub
of Artemisia californica, Eriogonumfasciculatum, and Salvia
mellifera. Canyon bottoms with riparian vegetation of Platanus
racemosa, Quercus agrifolia, and Baccharis salicifolia.
Annual, flowers pinkish. Common in chaparral openings along
newly cleared trail and about rock outcrops, etc.
Steve Boyd 7456
Tim Ross
May 20,1992