Meliola melastomacearum Speg.

Fung. Puigg., N. 232.
On Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don. Fig. 12.
Maricao, July 20, ’15, 8956. Mayaguez, June, 24,' ’15, 7394.
Marias, July 10, ’15, 8123. Dos Bocas, below IJtuado, July 8, ’15, 808
Aug. ’15, 9479.
On Clidemia strigillosa (Sw.) P. DC.
Trujillo Alto, Aug. 15,1 ^¿5, 9423. Lajas, June 17, ’15, 7159.
On Miconia laevigata (L.) P. DC.
Dos Bocas, below TJtuado, July 8, ’15, 8085. Bio Arecibo, K. 64.71
July 8, ’15, 7797. El Alto de la Bandera, July 15, ’15, 8662.
On Miconia racemosa (Aubl.) P. DC.
Mayaguez, June 24, ’15, 7414, 7399, 7389, June 16, ’15, 7636, Junj
14, ’15, 7037. Lajas, June 17, ’15, 7145.
The colonies of this fungus are very ifiSonspicuous, so much so thal
in probably no case was the collection made ibr the Meliola; that is, ii
nearly every case the leaves were collected foA other fungi upon them!
chiefly Microthyriaceae, and it was only when the specimen came unde: