Phacelia ambigua M.E.Jones

Voucher Specimen For Chromosome Studies
n = 11
Michael D. Windham, Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, UT
Phacelia ambiqua M.E. Jones var. ambiqua
YUMA CO.: Along Interstate 8 on E side of Mohawk Pass ca.
12.5 road miles E of Tacna. A.D.O.T. Mohawk Mts. NW Quad (7
1/2 min.). T8S, R14W, Sec. 17. UTM - 3624130 m.N by 243185
m.E (Zone 12). Lat.: 32°43'36,,N Long.: ItMflBW
In disturbed, gneissic soil on gentle, SE-facing slope with Larrea.
Encelia & Fouquieria. Annual, to 50 cm tall; corolla with pale
tube/throat & purple lobes; mature seeds 4 per fruit, reddish
brown, alveolate, + 3 mm long, excavated to form a prominent
ventral ridge, the ridge corrugated on one side. Elev. 550 ft.
M.D. Windham (98-047)	28	March	1998
Garrett Herbarium, Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, UT