Nemophila pulchella Eastw.

Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of Amador County, California, USA
Nemophila pulchella Eastw. var. pulchella	HYD
Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains Foothills: Shake Ridge Road,
7.6 rd. miles northeast (via Pine Gulch & Gopher Hat rds) of
junction of Sutter Creek Rd. and Pine Gulch Rd. (Pine Grove 7 5*
Q.: 38°26'58"N, 120°4035"W, ±100m). Alt.: 712m/2335ft. Oak
& conifer forest.
Common among pine needles near creek edge.
George K. Helmkamp 17495	7	Jun	2011
w/ E. A. Helmkamp
Entered into UCR Database (16944GKH )