Leandra crenata (Pav. ex D.Don) Cogn.

  • Filed As

    Leandra crenata (Pav. ex D.Don) Cogn.

  • Collector(s)

    O. Buchtien 8145, 28 Jun 1930

  • Location

    Bolivia. La Paz. Nor Yungas Prov. Region von Coripata, Hacienda "El Chorro".

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3107669

    Occurrence ID: d6da27db-d91a-4ec6-8c8d-22c0e85df828

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province

    La Paz

  • County/Municipio

    Nor Yungas Prov.

  • Locality

    Region von Coripata, Hacienda "El Chorro".

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1700 m. (5577 ft.)

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Dr. Otto Buchtien: Herbarium Bolivianum
rSssn a/* * &	*
^ Collect.:Dr. Otto Buchtien
Leandra orenata (Don) Cogn* Besides a series of specimens
which I regard as typical in structure and appearance, we have three
others which at first sight impress one as speeifioally different*
These are Buchtien 7408, from the Tipuani Valley, 8145 and 8383,
from the region of Coripata# Their flower structure differs in
only the smallest details from the type« The leaves axe pro-
portionately much broader, more obviously 7-nerved, acute rather
than acuminate, and much more densely pubescent with shorter, non«*
papillose hairs* The inflorescence is more compact and bears
more flowers, subtended by conspicuous persistent braots 3—5 mm*
long. The pubescence of the stem is
approaches that of