Cerastium arvense var. strictum (Gaudin) W.D.J.Koch

  • Filed As

    Cerastium arvense var. strictum (Gaudin) W.D.J.Koch

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3161544

    Occurrence ID: d7439132-8a90-464c-b1bd-5cef37e2b27e

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Cerastium arvense L.
var. strictum (Gaudin) W. D. J. Koch
Det. Joseph L. M. Charboneau
N of Mont Hwy 248 ca 2.5-3 air mi S of the West Fork Poplar
River, ca 11 air mi E of Opheim.
T36N R42E S24 Wl/2
48.8529° N, 106.1629° W to 48.8565° N, 106.1643° W; NAD
83, GPS reading
Grassland with swales and slopes of small cobblestones.
10 Jun 2010	Elev. 2,890 - 3,025 ft.
B. E. Nelson 79701
With Joseph L. M. Charboneau
Floristic Inventory of Phillips and Valley Counties, Montana
ROCKY MOUNTAIN HERBARIUM (RM), University of Wyoming