Arabis lyrata L. var. lyrata

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The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of U.S.A.
BRASSICACEAE Arabis lyrata L.
Herb. Flowers white.
Common, with little other vascular vegetation in small
openings of plantation (ca. 10 years old) of Pinus
resinosa, on very infertile sand of former sand prairie
of Wisconsin River valley. This species less common
and smaller in the adjacent sand prairie. With Koehleria
macrantha, Krigia virginica, Polytrichum piliferum.
WISCONSIN: Richland Co., 1.5 miles NW of Lone Rock.
T 8 N; R 2 E; NEiSEl sec. 3.	alt.	215	*m.
Coll.:	M.	Nee
July 14, 1978