Emmenanthe penduliflora Benth.

  • Filed As

    Emmenanthe penduliflora Benth.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3167667

    Occurrence ID: c4d84f34-72d1-4d9f-99f5-ad7149d4ad08

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Terrestrial Ecosystems Survey, Southwest Region 3
Emmenaxithe penduliflora Benth.
USA. Arizona. Pinal County. Tonto National Forest; Picketpost Mtn.
Quad; Whitford Canyon near intersection of FR 982 and 650; just below
confluence of Wood Camp Canyon and Reavis Trail Canyon.
33° 20.817' N, 111° 7.977' W
Elevation 2848ft.
Habitat: seasonal drainage, sparse cottonwood - willow - tamarisk
Assoc, spp: uplands: Camegiea gigantea, Prosopis velutina, Dodonea
viscosa, Simmondsia chinensis, Lycium exertum, Acacia greggii,
Eriogonum fasciculatum; riparian: Celtis pallida, Salix gooddingii,
Ambrosia ambrosioides, Populus fremontii
Notes: infrequent annual, flowers yellow-cream, pendant
Elizabeth Makings 2863 duplicate
with: Andy Casillas
8 Apr 2008