Symbolanthus superbus Miers
Filed As
Symbolanthus superbus Miers -
NY Barcode: 3091105
Occurrence ID: 4424ed93-6329-47f0-aa60-62b9afdf89b3
All Determinations
Symbolanthus superbus Miers det L. Struwe, 2023
Location Notes
[South America]
PLANTS OF VENEZUELA No. 9923 GENTIANACEAE S'yn ¿rc/troth is Estado Yaracuy, Sierra de Aroa. Cerro Negro. Primary forest 8 km SW of San Felipe. 1200- 1800 m alt. 10OlT'W, 69°01fW. Herb 1.5 m;:stem hollow. In forest, in clear- ings, also at much lower altitude. Common, but almost all sterile at this time. Flower lavender-pink, darker in center with lighter lines. 1-2 April 1980 Ronald Liesner and Angel Gonzalez Distributed by the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Instituto . Botanlco (Mlnlsterlo del Amblente y, de los Recursos Naturales Renovables). Field work supported by NSF (United States) and CONICIT (Venezuela). 03091105
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Symbolanthus superbus Miers