Fallopia scandens (L.) Holub

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Plants rfttUlu
det. M. Nee, 2012	*
WISCONSIN, Crawford Co., small park Mli vijKgpg -ff
Steuben, along edge of and in floodplain of Kickapoo River,
unshaded habitats, mostly native plants (Polygonum
pensylvanicum, P. lapathifolittm, Bidens cemua, Penthorum
sedoides, Phyla lanceolatd) along bank of river and in shallow
drainage ditch; I|&hP$^r introduced and species
(Sporobolus vaginifloruSj Eragrostis pectinacea, Ambrosia
trifida, Chaiturus marrubiastrum, Rorippa sylvestris,
Polygonum seandens) along disturbed area where dirt and
branches piled.
43°10°55,N, 90°51 ’3Q”W. alt. 203 m.
T 8 N; R 4 W; SW'4 sect. 9.
Herbaceous vine twining $|| stem of a shrab inweedy area, the
branches horizontally spreading. Fruit hanging
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