Apacheria chiricahuensis C.T.Mason

  • Filed As

    Apacheria chiricahuensis C.T.Mason

  • Collector(s)

    C. T. Mason, Jr. 3139 with R. McManus, 28 Jun 1974

  • Location

    United States of America. Arizona. Cochise Co. Upper Picket Canyon, Picket Park Natural Area, Chiricahua National Monument.

  • Habitat

    Crevices of bare exposed north and south-facing rock outcrops.

  • Specimen Notes

    See Madroño 23(3): 105-108. 1975.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 255205

    Occurrence ID: 88d0bd9a-0b14-4605-9abe-91481191ada3

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Cochise Co.

  • Locality

    Upper Picket Canyon, Picket Park Natural Area, Chiricahua National Monument.

  • Township, Range, Section

    T16S, R29E, S23

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1767.8 m. (5800 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    32.02, -109.36

  • Georeferencing Method

    TRS Conversion Calculator. Used TRS2LL tool (defunct, now: TRS-data conversion tool, Montana State University, www.esg.montana.edu/gl/trs-data.html) to convert TRS coordinates (Township, Range, Section; Public Land Survey System) to decimal degrees. Township, Range and Section data used for conversion: Arizona, Gila and Salt River Meridian, T16S, R29E, Sec. 23

  • Location Notes

    [Map associated with specimen]

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Chaules T. Mason, Jr.
Herbarium, College of Agriculture
University of Arizona, Tucson 85721
To find a new species in Arizona is unusual, but to find an undescribed
genus is indeed rare, especially when the discovery is made in the well
botanized Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona.
Apacheria C. T. Mason, gen. nov. Frutex parvus. Folia opposita
parva integra vel triloba; stipulae minutae. Flores singulares sessiles vel
brevipedunculati; hypanthium praesens. Sépala 4. Pétala 4. Stamina 8.
Carpella 1 ad 4 plerumque 4 libera; ovula 2. Fructus folliculares. Typus:
A. chiricahuensis C. T. Mason.
Apacheria chiricahuensis C. T. Mason, sp. nov. Frutex ad 50 cm
altus. Folia oblanceolata vel spathulata 3.5-7.5 mm longa 1.0-2.3 mm
lata apiculata glabra. Sépala 3.0-3.5 mm longa. Pétala alba 4-5 mm
longa. Stamina labris hypanthiorum insidens; antherae 0.5-1.0 mm
longae; fila 3 mm longa. Ovaria hispidula. Stigmata linearía introrsa.
Folliculi prominenter venosi. Semina 1 vel 2 minutissime papillose brun-
nea reniformia 1.5 mm longa 1.0 mm lata; endosperma abunda. Fig. 1.
Type: Arizona, Cochise Co., crevices in rock outcrops and ledges, West
Picket Park Research Natural Area, Chiricahua National Monument,
ca 5,800 feet in Upper Picket Canyon, mid-May 1973, William Moir s.n.
(Holotype: ARIZ; isotypes to be distributed.)
In addition to the type material, a specimen collected in Picket Park
by O. M. Clark (8950) was examined at the Chiricahua National Monu-
ment Herbarium. Further collections were made by the author from
Picket Canyon (Mason 3138, 3139), from adjacent Bonita Canyon
(Mason 3137), and from Echo Canyon Trail (Mason 3145). Since atten-
tion has been directed to this new genus, a specimen collected by Chris
Barry (s.n.) from Surprise Canyon has been examined, and Dr. Vince
Roth of the Southwest Research Station has reported finding specimens
of it in the Heart of Rocks Area (pers. comm.). All localities are in Chiri-
cahua National Monument. So far Apacheria chiricahuensis has been
observed growing only in crevices and on ledges of bare north and south
exposed rhyolitic rock outcrops.
This endemic small shrub is named to honor the Chiricahua Apache
Indians who once inhabited the area.
The new taxon is assigned as the second genus in thQ fanrlv Crossoso-
mataceae although it also shows affinities to members of the Saxifra-
gaceae and Rosaceae. It is similar to Crossosoma bigelovii Wats, in its
Madroño, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 105-168. July 1, 1975.
?j Apacheria chiricahuensis C.T. Mason
Crevices of bare exposed north and
-SftX U south~facing rock outcrops. Upper
Picket Canyon, Picket Park Natural
Area, Chiricahua National Monument.
Elevation: about 5800 ft. R29E, T16S
® Vg S23.
Cochise County
^1;	28 June 1974
C.T. Mason 3139
R. McManus