Dicymbe altsonii Sandwith

Mabura Hill; trail from Kurupukari Main Road
at km 14 to swamp, 130 degrees to the south.
5°10'N 58°40'W
Mixed forest on brown sand. Growing by
Tree, 40 m tall, 1 m dbh; wood yellowish-
pink, with dark red-brown concentric layers
and core. Bracteoles green; sepals white
with brown median zone; petals yellow, white
toward the base, the large petal dark yellow
with purplish stripes in the basal part;
stamens creamy. Locally very cannon.
Separate: Woodnr Uw 32437
Maas, P.J.M.; J. Koek-Noorman,
B.J.H. ter Welle, L.Y.Th. Westra
nr 7141
25 Aug 1988