Persicaria setacea (Baldwin) Small

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    Persicaria setacea (Baldwin) Small

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3139835

    Occurrence ID: 28d1ce65-d420-4429-bd32-56314dee3262

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The New York Botanical Garden
Polygonum setaceum Baldw. ex Elliott
C. Park June 1990
356. Polygonum setaceum Baldw. <rcj|
$KÉÉfcidw* in Ell. Sk. Bot. S. C. & Ga. i. 455
¡?BB. Monog. Polyg. 79 (1826) and in DC. PrWjj|g.
.1^ (1856); Small, Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia
£§{$£t. 25 (1895) and in Britton & Brown, 111. FI. MPS®
1330 (1896); Robinson & Fernald in Gray, Man. % 1
Mp 7, 362 (1908).
Syn. Persicaria setacea Small, FI. s. e. U. S. 379 (19C3w^W^^
JliBicknell, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club xxxvi. 454 (1909); Small
^dn Britton & Brown, 111. FI. ed. 2, i. 669, fig. 1641 (1913|k
0.5-2 m. high, from ligneous, freely forking rootstocksg^gjggajj
HnF Sandy thicket along Doane Creek, Harwich,
BjP-•	? -	jiEE)Sü|H9
é 5 Coll. M. L, Fernald.	September llj|919.